
Set As Default File Explorer (Windows)


This guides involves modifiying the Windows registry, make sure to crate a backup beforehand to recover if you got any problem with Xplorer. Please keep in mind that this metod may not work for everyone.

Click here to Microsoft official documentation on how to backup and restore the registry

  1. Type Win + R and type regedit.exe
  2. Click Yes on the question Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your devies
  3. Create a backup of the registry (see caution above).
  4. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory
  5. Create a key named shell if not existed by right and set the default key value to openinxplorer
  6. Create a key named openinxplorer under shell
  7. Create a key named command under openinxplorer and set the default key value to "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" "%V"

Registry Structure


To create a new subkey, right click on the parent key and select New > Key. Regedit create a new subkey

To set the default key, double click or by right click and click Modify on the Name and enter the value there.